Fisherman Catches 800 Lbs. Tiger Shark Off South Carolina

With all the talk of Great White sharks swimming around the internet people often forget that Tiger sharks are out there. Tigers are second to Whites in fatal attacks on humans and are responsible for most of the attacks in tropical waters, where White Sharks are less common.
Pro surfer Bethany Hamilton lost her arm to a Tiger and most of the attacks that occur at Reunion Island are blamed on them as well.
So it’s no surprise that after all the attacks that occurred on the Carolina’s this summer that fisherman Mike Huff had no qualms about landing an 800 lbs, 13-foot monster off the coast of South Carolina.
“Large tiger sharks are known to occur in South Carolina’s coastal waters, however they should be of little concern to beachgoers; humans aren’t on their menu,” said Bryan Frazier, a S.C. Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologist who studies sharks. “Tiger sharks are known to eat sea turtles, sea birds, sharks, rays and other fish species.”
Despite potential blowback from folks aghast at the idea of hunting these large animals Huff said tigers and other sharks are plentiful, and the population has largely recovered since finning was made illegal and the fishing pressure dropped.
“There’s a bunch of them out there. We catch a couple every night,” Huff said.
Just like Quint…
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Via – Post Courier