
Godzilla El Nino Cometh!

Forecasters are gaining confidence that a record-setting El Nino will occur this fall and winter rivaling the historic El Nino of 1997-1998, which could mean California could drown in rain and get buried in snow.

Such an occurrence would be a welcome drought-breaker but it could also mean some headaches. Results like flooding, mudslides, roads washing out and dams bursting could offer a downside, yet the net positive is getting skiers amped for snorkel deep snowfall.

Weird weather has been racking California this summer between sleet and hail in the Sierras to tropical downpours from the remnants of Hurricane Delores, which drenched a normally parched summer So Cal.

Both the LA Times and the Washington Post reported today about the pheonomen of a warming Pacific Ocean, westerly trades their effect on the on the Golden State.

All we can do in the meantime is pray it goes down and the snow falls deep.

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