AwesomeBMXCultureFailsMountain Biking

Raging Driver’s Faceplant Fail after Argument with Cyclist is Priceless

The great debate between cyclists and motorists never waivers. Drivers think they own the road because they outweigh cyclists by a few thousand pounds. And cyclists think they own the road because it says so in the rule book. Not the rule book of physics mind you, just the human handbook of “it says I can ride in the middle of lane right here…”

So it’s not surprising these opposite world views clash now and again. In this instance you can understand the frustration of the driver who calls out the “wanker” bicyclist for hogging the road as he probably drives to the pub to watch a Manchester United match.

From the cyclists perspective, it’s douchey to threaten uploading to Youtube and calling the cops. Only bitches use that as a threat. Instead let the true poetic justice of what happens next be your reward as you cowardly peddle off.

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