
Current El Nino Officially Strongest on Record


The current El Nino is officially the most extreme ever recorded. The temperature of the 1997-1998 El Nino peaked at 2.1 degrees celsius above normal on November 26, 1997.

The current El Nino reached 3.1 degrees celsius above normal on November 18, 2015. This high water temperatures in the eastern Pacific are associated with a host of weather anomalies around the world including floods, drought, wildfires, mudslides, blizzards and more.

The 1997-1998 El Nino is blamed for over 20,000 deaths and $90 billion in damage. It also was the year that the western U.S. saw one of its best winters on record.



Resorts like Mammoth Mountain in California love El Nino.


For skiers and snowboarders living in California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, that’s welcome news indeed.

Check out the full article here.


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