
Miss Maine USA is a Bonafide Shark Whisperer

Miss Maine USA hottie, Maria Butler, is a badass fishing guru who loves to tag sharks and pose for photos in a bikini with man eating beasts! This is the kind of woman owe should be promoting at Miss USA, vs some of these brainless bombshells that can’t name the capitals. Barton is 21-years-old and has tagged over 30 sharks along side super fisherman Elliot Sudal.


Some people are hating on the duo’s efforts to catch sharks off the beach to tag them, including shark researcher Drew Scerbo, who said.

““This isn’t about conservation at all – tagging is an excuse/justification for pleasure fishing. It’s not volunteerism either. Anyone can get those tags and put them on sharks. Literally anyone. Lets not call recreational shark fishing ‘conservation.’ ”

Obviously this Scerbo guy is a total pussy, and Barton and her buff beau, are living like true Americans. Really in fish, tagging them and sending them back to mother Ocean like a boss.

God Bless!

H/T – Grind

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